use cases

IT & Technology

ULTRA RED for IT and Technology Organizations

For IT and Technology organisations, geographic reach and world class support are integral to their overall value proposition. Malicious attacks resulting in service disruption can tarnish the brand and erode customer loyalty. Compromised code can have far reaching impacts as we have seen in a number of recent high-profile supply chain attacks, and IP theft can quickly remove competitive advantage. Therefore, proactively defending Internet exposed assets is a cyber imperative and continual threat and exposure management plays a crucial role.

Top attack surface challenges for IT and Technology organizations include:

  • Continuous external asset and service discovery and curation.
  • Flexible organization of assets to support geographically dispersed cyber teams
  • Supply chain visibility
  • Timely discovery, validation, and remediation of vectors
  • Identification of deprecated components and services
  • Integration with other services
  • Detection of sensitive data such as login credentials and PII exposure

With ULTRA RED, IT and Technology organizations have full and up-to-date visibility of their Internet exposed assets and services organized to support both central and distributed cyber teams. Compared to other attack surface management solutions, ULTRA RED's automatic vector detection and deep validation greatly improves the productivity of cyber teams by saving untold hours in investigating false positives. Full documentation and remediation guidance allows close collaboration between security and IT operations to dramatically cut mean-time-to-remediation. ULTRA RED’s industry leading repository of DarkNet and open-source intelligence detects PII and sensitive information exposures enabling a timely response. Full support of Gartner's Continuous Threat and Exposure Management framework delivers a standard process to systematically improve staff productivity and reduce attack surface risk while containing costs.

For organizations offering value add cyber services, ULTRA RED can be used to extend their service offerings to include external asset management services, threat and exposure management services and deep and darkweb exposure management services.